
Dienstag, 20. Mai 2014

Lolita Meet up: A picnic in May

Good evening my lovely readers,

last saturday were a small Lolita picnic from a local Lolita community. The weather god was nice to us this time, because during the last years we never had a picnic meet up - everytime we planned one, the weather changed from good to bad. This time we were lucky! <3
Everyone brought some tasty food and we enjoyed our day in the park. Just eating, talking and relaxing... of course we also took a few pictures.

Unfortunately I wasn't in the mood for pictures, because of unknown reasons I felt uncomfortable in my outfit. :/ (Now looking at it I like my outfit, I don't now what disturbed my mood that day...). Anyway, here are a few pictures from the meet up. (Sadly I forgot to take a picture of the yummy food we had.)

 - Our group: Mini, sora-ai, Lolizzy, Chi-Chan, Venedig, Manga-Girl and me -
- Funny group picture -
 - Mini, Chi-Chan and me -

 - Outfit -
Headbow, Apron-Skirt and Bag: Angelic Pretty
Blouse: Innocent World
Tights & Socks: Offbrand
Shoes: Secret Shop
Necklace: Promod

For the next meet up I hope I'll feel more comfortable in Lolita again. :') But the meet up itself was pretty nice.


PS: I hope I'll find some time to upload some more simple daily outfits again. The weather in Germany is getting better and hopefully I'll be more creative with my daily outfits.

8 Kommentare:

  1. Du siehst sehr hübsch aus :33
    Schön, dass das Wetter diesmal gepasst hat!^^

    1. Vielen lieben Dank! :)
      Ja, da waren wir auch sehr erfreut drüber.

  2. Mir gefällt das Outfit an dir so gut <3
    Und beim nächsten Mal bin ich hoffentlich wieder dabei! *^*

  3. Wundervolle Bilder mal wieder!
    Und so hübsche Mädchen *_*


    1. Vielen Dank! :)
      Ja, ne? Ich bin auch immer wieder begeistert.


  4. Ihr habt alle so wundervolle Outfits an. Es tut mir so leid, dass du dich nicht so wohl fühlst momentan. Du siehst so schön aus ;__; Ich hoff du bist bald wieder motiviert, du kleine Alice <3

    1. Dankeschön! Ja, das wird aber sicher wieder, manchmal hat man einfach so blöde Tage.
      Danke für die lieben Worte! <3
