
Mittwoch, 7. August 2013

New Lolita stuff: Wonder Story is here

Hello my lovely readers,

I hope you are all fine. °~° 
I'm sorry for not writing many blog entries during the last time, but I'm still busy with university and also some things in my private life keep me away from my computer.

But today a dream came true! *_* <3 I always wanted Angelic Prettys' Wonder Story print, because I really love all 'Alice in wonderland' related things and Wonder Story is just gorgeous. But when the print was released I had no money to buy it. The print is also very popular and hard to get. And then... one evening I saw someone selling a Wonder Story Set (Apron Skirt + Headbow) on the german lolita site "Dunkelsüß" - There was my chance!!! 
Luckily I was the first in line, I had no money during that time, but she reserved it a few days until I have the money and today the postman brought to me.

Well, now I'm one of the happiest girls in the world! *_*<3 There it is! Beautiful as expected, so cute and in my dream color - light blue:
- The set: Apron skirt & headbow (Sorry for the bad lightning) -

The seller also gave a bracelet and two hairpins as an extra with the package:
- Bracelet and two "AP" hairpins, soo cute -

And here's a picture when I tried it on:
- I apologize for being a barefoot lolita, but it was just a short try on ^^' Anyway, I'm so happy that it fits me! <3 -

I my Wonder Story set from Yuzuki, she's a great seller! After my money was on her bank account she sent it so fast, it only took 24hrs and it was here. :D Yes, it was in the same country, but I also had cases, when sending took a few days in the same country. 

Now, I hope I'll get a chance to wear this as a complete outfit soon. Maybe during the Connichi (a big convention here in Germany) next month. :)

Have a nice day everyone!

Best wishes,

PS: To my german readers - Are you going to visit the Connichi in September? :3

15 Kommentare:

  1. Das Kleid steht dir so gut <3<3<3
    Ich freu mich drauf wenn du es zum ersten Mal ausführst! :D

    1. Dankeschön! <3
      Ja, ich freu mich auch drauf - drin wohl fühle ich mich auf jeden Fall!

  2. oh gott es ist so süüüß o.o und es steht dir einfach wunderbar!!!! sweet ist nicht so sehr meins das ich mir das kaufen würde >< ich beneide dich drum das es dir so gut steht :D!!!

    1. Dankeschön! ^^
      Dafür kann ich zB andere Stile nicht wirklich tragen, bzw. sind nicht so meins.

  3. Oh das steht dir total gut *_*
    Hoffentlich seh ich dich auf der Connichi damit :3

    1. Dankeschön! ^^
      Ja, ich hab vor es dann da zu tragen, wahrscheinlich am Sonntag. :)

  4. es ist so schön <3 ich hätte auch gern noch blau XD
    hoffe wir twinnen mal ;)

  5. So ein süßes Kleid *-*
    Es steht dir auch ausgezeichnet!!

  6. Du wurdest nominiert ;)

  7. Oh wie niedlich!! <3 du siehst ganz bezaubernd aus. Ich hätte ja sooo gerne den JSK in rot oder schwarz ;__;

    1. Vielen Dank! ^^

      Dann drück ich dir ganz doll die Daumen, dass du ihn noch bekommst. :3

  8. Oh wow, that's too adorable for words. Good for you <3

