Hello my dearest readers,
I'm late again with my entry, but I have something Lolita related to post, because I was able to attend the local meet up last month and I was so happy to finally wear Lolita fashion again! <3
So, on november 21st my boyfriend and I were on our way to Bremen. Unfortunatly there was soccer game that day and some fans damaged our train and it had a delay for an unknown time. We were so angry, 'cause the train is just driving just once per hour, which meant we were an hour to late for the meet up. =_='
Anyway, when we arrived in Bremen we walked straight up to the Café and met the other Lolitas. We ate tasty cake and I drank hot chocolate. I was also very happy to finally meet Berrii again. <3
The Meet up itself was way too short for my taste. Somehow we didn't stay in the Café for so long. We went outside for taking pictures - well, it was windy and rainy, so not the best conditions for a photo shooting. We rushed the group picture and for our single pictures we found a pretty place under a roof. But it was also very cold, so taking pictures didn't also take much time. We walked back to the main station and that was it... in the end the whole meet up itself was just 3hrs. :( But now to the pictures of the meet up:
- Our group -
- My Sailor Lolita outfit -
Hat: selfmade
Cutsew: Metamorphose
JSK: Btssb
Tights: offbrand
Shoes: Primark
- Berrii and me <3 -
This weekend will be our christmas Lolita meet up and I'm already excited (and I hope it will take more time)! <3 I still have to think about a fitting outfit - which means I don't want to wear my Chess Chocolate again (well, I love that dress, but I've worn it the last two years for the christmas meet ups xD).
I wish you all a nice start into this week!