I know, I know, my blog was "sleeping" the last few months again. One of the reasons for this is, that I had no time to wear Lolita fashion and this blog should be more dedicated to Lolita fashion. Another reason that I have less time. But I still want to write here, so I decided to write about the conventions I visited after LBM/MCC in march so far. Some of you like to see my cosplay-related things, so here I go:
Anime-Marathon 2015 - 02.05.2015 (Königslutter, Germany):
Anime-Marathon is a smaller convention with a Hotel as location. I visited it last year and I really liked it, so we decided to come back this year. It was also special, because I was ask to take part in the DCM preliminary decision (DCM = Deutsche Cosplay Meisterschaft = German Cosplay Championship) as a jury team member. It was a great experience for me! I've never done judging in a championship before, so I was glad that I got a chance to do it. Well, I haven't see much of the convention itself that day, because being part of the DCM-Team means being busy almost the whole day, but it was okay for me. :) I've also worn my Ryuko Matoi (Kill la kill) cosplay again and my dear friend Inulein joined me as Mako Makanshoku, at least we had time to take a few pictures together.
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- Sorry for the bad quality, but here you can see the jury sitting in front on the stage - |
- Kill la Kill pictures (first with Inulein as Mako | Pictures by Romy) -
DoKomi 2015 - 23.05.-24.05.2015 (Düsseldorf, Germany):
My next convention was DoKomi in Düsseldorf, it's a bigger convention and also one of my favorites. My boyfriend and I visited Cleo and her boyfriend, we slept at their place and together we visited DoKomi both days. DoKomi wasn't that awesome this year, because somehow my mood was gloomy, especially on saturday. I have no idea why and I noticed that some of my friends had a gloomy mood, too. Sunday was more exciting, I also had a great RWBY group on sunday. <3 The convention itself felt also stressful, because it seemed like everyone is running from A to B the whole day. Next year we definitly need to plan our days more relaxing. But all in all DoKomi was also nice this year and we had a lovely time with Cleo, her boyfriend and the others we've seen. :)
My cosplays during DoKomi were Mirai Kuriyama (Kyoukai no Kanata) on saturday and Ruby Rose (RWBY) on sunday.
- Mirau Kuriyama | Pictures by Cleo | Bloodsword made by BarkingBeagle -
- Our RWBY group <3: Me as Ruby, Calssara as Weiss, Black Butterfly as Blake and Lumis Mirage as Yang (f.l.t.r.) | Pictures by Blue Potion & Franky -
Animecon this year was my first non-german convention, that's why I was veeery excited. The decision to visit this convention was spontaneous, because Cleo told us they still have room and were searching for friends to come to the hague. Well, all I can say is that Animecon wasn't the best convention for me this year. Of course it was a little different comparing with german conventions and we had fun, but it was very expensive for us and because it was also my first time being in the netherlands it wasn't planned very well... Somehow I would like to come back next year, but I would handle the weekend a little different. But all in all it was a nice experience and we had a great shooting at the beach. <3 My cosplays were: on friday Rikka Takanashi (Chuunibyou Demo Koi Ga Shitai) in a bikini (my first time wearing a bikini cosplay), on saturday: first half Compa (Hyperdimension Neptunia) and second half Mirai Kuriyama. On sunday: Alice Liddell (Alice: Madness returns).
- Rikka Takanashi at the beach | Pictures by Dantecrise -
- Compa | Pictures by Dantecrise -
- Alice with my new selfmade Vorpal Blade | Pictures by Dantecrise -
NiSa-Con 2015 - 04.07.2015 (Brunswick, Germany):
And the last convention I visited so far. It's in my homwtown and also a small one, but it's always relaxing for us to go there. Unfortunately it was very hot that day and not very cosplay-friendly. But we managed it to take pretty pictures in the park and later we changed into normal clothes, went eating ice-cream and of course enjoyed the AMV happy hour in the evening. :)
I also made a spontaneous Juvia Loxar (Fairy Tail) cosplay for the convention: a white summer dress, which was a very good choice.
- Juvia Loxar (white summer dress) | Pictures by Dantecrise -
Okay, that's it so far. I know this blogpost is picture heavy and I just talked about the conventions in a few words. And again no Lolita fashion this time. I hope I'll get the chance to wear Lolita again soon. My next convention will be Connichi in september and I'm already excited for it, although I have a lot of cosplaywork to do.
I still hope you like to see my cosplay and here about my convention-life. I'm also thinking about changing this blog more into a Cosplay and Lolita blog (and of course some daily fashion), but I'm not sure about it yet.
Have a nice weekend and best wishes,