last saturday we had a small Lolita meet up again. We met us in Bremerhaven by the north sea (here in Germany) and visited the "Zoo am Meer", which means zoo by the sea.
It was a cute small zoo with mostly animals around the sea, they also have an aquarium. I'm a big fan of aquariums and I love the watch water animals. <3 I could stand there for hours and gaze into the wather. x'D We saw Ice bears, seals, pinguins, owls, apes, pumas, rays, crabs, fishes and more. My favorites were the artic foxes - they are so cute! <3
Here are a few impressions of the animals:
- Sleeping arctic foxes -
- Sleeping puma and cute otters -
- An octopus -
- Me with a big crab, which is called "Sea spider" -
Besides visiting the zoo we were in a café and took some pictures. It was very windy by the sea, so we weren't able to take pictures outside. (We tried it... x''D). We were four Lolitas and my boyfriend, but it was nice - we had a lot of fun.
Here are our pictures and my outfit:
- Our group: Me, Nessi, Chi-Chan and Lolizzy -
- A picture we made outside... it was sooo windy! -
- My outfit -
Headbow: Self-made
Blouse: Innocent World
Cardigan: Promod
Skirt: Self-made
(I still have to add some lace to it, to make a longer. >_<)
Socks: Offbrand
Shoes: Secret Shop
Bag: Re-Style
- Two pictures my boyfriend made in the aquarium, the first one is a snapshot -
How about you? Do you like visiting zoos?
Everyone have a nice rest of the week! :)