
Freitag, 27. September 2013

Daily Outfit: Back to black

Helly my lovely readers,

Oh my! Yes, I'm still alive and I'm sorry that I haven't written since the beginning of august. But I had soo many things to do and nothing really special happend - well, I visited the Connichi 2013, but I will write an own entry about that convention. ;)

First of all - the reason for my title - I dyed my hair again. This time a color my boyfriend chosed: black with a blue shimmer. Well, "back to black" might be wrong, because the darkest color I once had was a dark brown. I was so afraid. I always have that fear, when I dye my hair, that it might look totally ugly or something. But on the other I never use permant colorations, so the color will be washed out after around 4-8 weeks. ^^'

So have some pictures:

 Shirt: H&M
Shorts: The Sting
Tights: Offbrand
Shoes: AnnChristing
Necklace: H&M

When I looked in the mirror for the first time with my new haircolor I was a little bit shocked, because... well... it's really dark. But now, I kinda like it and I think it's really fits these colder days, which are coming now. :)

One very good thing about autumn is that I'm really getting into some kind of "Lolita-Mood" again! I'm excited about coming meet ups and I want to wear my pretty dresses again. I hope I can write about new Lolita meet ups soon. <3

Have a nice day!
